This unit focuses on stories from the Gospel of Luke and the fact that Jesus is God. Each lesson shows the children that Jesus said and did things that only God could do.
1. Jesus calls his friends to follow him (Luke 5:1-11) His friends start to learn about Jesus
2. Jesus healed a paralyzed man (Luke 5:17-26) He had power to heal and forgive
3. Jesus calmed the sea (Luke 8:22-25) He had power over nature
4. Jesus fed more than 5,000 people ( Luke 9:10-20) He had power to meet needs
5. Jesus is the Son of God (Luke 9:28-36) He had God’s power because He is God’s Son
The following components are available for this unit:
1. A full resource manual (with photocopy masters and activities requiring a range of materials)
2. A limited resource manual (with no photocopying required and activities which require a minimum of materials).
3. A separate file containing the black outline story pictures and text (these are also included in the Full resource Manual).
4. Coloured versions of the story pictures for use as visual aids.
5. Coloured symbols for the "God Box".